How Long Does a Typical Home Solar Installation Take?

October 12, 2023

Solar energy is gaining traction as one of the most sustainable and cost-effective ways to power homes in North Carolina. However, a common question we often encounter is: How long does a home solar installation take? In this article, we shed light on the process and time frames involved in installing a residential solar power system in your home.

Introduction to Home Solar Installation

The journey of converting to solar energy begins with a comprehensive understanding of the process involved. The duration of a home solar installation varies based on several factors, including the size of the system and the approval procedures. In North Carolina, the typical installation timeline for a residential install is between 45-90 days from contract signing to activation of the system.

The Initial Steps: Assessment and Planning

The first step in your solar journey is a personalized consultation and presentation of various system options for your home. Once signed up to go solar with us, the first step is an on-site site assessment. Our team will measure the roof, examine the home’s electrical system, and take necessary pictures. This vital process helps to ensure that the system’s design meets your home’s unique requirements and conditions.

Finalizing the Design: The Role of In-House Engineers

finalizing the design of your solar system

Following the site assessment, our in-house engineers use the gathered information to create finalized plans and electrical drawings. These documents, detailing the final layout, conduit runs, etc., are then sent to you, the homeowner, for review and approval. We are committed to providing a customized home solar installation that meets your preferred specifications.

When creating a solar panel system design, there are several things to consider:

  • Roof condition and layout: The condition and orientation of your roof play a major role in designing your system. We ensure that it’s well-suited to support the weight of the panels and get optimal sun exposure.
  • Aesthetic preference: We accommodate your aesthetic preferences in the design process to ensure the installed system aligns with the visual appeal of your home.
  • Local zoning laws and HOA guidelines: We must also adhere to local zoning laws and your HOA’s guidelines for solar panel installation.

The Approval Process: Permitting and HOA Applications

the approval process for solar installation

After finalizing the design, the next stage is submitting permits, utility paperwork, and the HOA application if required. This process may take several weeks, depending on the local authorities and HOA. It’s worth noting that the duration of this process varies and is beyond the control of the installation company.

To obtain HOA approval for solar panel installation, you usually need to take the following steps:

  • Understanding the HOA’s rules: You should first understand the rules and regulations of your HOA regarding solar panel installations.
  • Prepare a detailed proposal: Your proposal should include details about the size, placement, color, and number of solar panels.
  • Submit the proposal: Submit your proposal to the HOA board for review.
  • Wait for approval: The HOA will review your proposal and make a decision, which can sometimes take several weeks.

Remember, every HOA has different rules, so it’s important to know yours before starting the solar panel installation process. At 8MSolar, we assist homeowners throughout this process, ensuring that all steps are handled smoothly and efficiently.

On-Site Installation: Duration and Factors

On receiving permit and HOA approval, we schedule the on-site installation. This part of the home solar installation process typically takes 1-3 days. However, most systems are installed in just one day. If we’re installing a large system with dozens of panels and multiple batteries, we may be on-site for approximately two or three days.

Inspection and Energization: The Final Stages

Chapel in the Pines - Solar Panels

After the completion of the on-site installation, the system is inspected for safety and efficiency. Once it passes inspections, we file the necessary paperwork with the utility company, who then energizes the system. At this point, you are up and running, producing power from your very own solar system!

Enjoy the Power of Solar! 

The process of a home solar installation, from contract signing to system activation, is a thorough and meticulous procedure that ensures your system is safe, efficient, and tailor-made for your home. At 8MSolar, we aim to streamline this process, keeping you informed and involved every step of the way. Your journey towards sustainable, renewable energy is just a phone call away!

This content was originally published here.

How Long Does a Typical Home Solar Installation Take?